Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Elections : The OAS continues its engagement with Haiti and the Venice Commission

Haiti - Security : PNH destroys all roadblocks and reopens RN#8 (Video)

Haiti - FLASH : League of Nations, Haiti victory over Puerto Rico [1-4] (Video)

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaïti -Health : Towards the resumption of activities at the «Isaïe Jeanty and Léon Audain» maternity hospital (Chancerelles)

iciHaiti - Ouanaminthe : Haitians guarantee the safety of Dominicans

iciHaiti - Security : Anthony Blinken spoke with Rameau Normil, DG of the PNH

iciHaiti - WHO/PAHO : Emergency response in 41 displaced sites

iciHaïti - CNE : Provisional inventory of equipment that will be handed over to the FAd’H

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - FLASH : Great summer show at Fort National
iciHaiti - FLASH : Great summer show at Fort National
01/08/2015 09:43:16
Saturday, August 1st, 2015, at 7:00 pm on the public place adjoining the Fort National Police Station, will run a big summer show entitled « Chante Danse Lapè » intended for a wide audience...
iciHaiti - Politic : A delegation of the World Bank met 4 senators
iciHaiti - Politic : A delegation of the World Bank met 4 senators
31/07/2015 13:27:34
Wednesday a delegation from the World Bank composed of 4 experts met behind closed doors for several hours the Senators...
iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a Partnership Government Youth of Haiti / ONA
iciHaiti - Politic : Towards a Partnership Government Youth of Haiti / ONA
31/07/2015 12:00:12
This week, the Young President of the Republic, Amos Cincir, his Prime Minister Nathanaël Noël and members of the Young Ministerial Cabinet of the Government Youth of Haiti, have been received by Emmanuel Ménard, Director General of the ONA...
iciHaiti - Culture : D-21, Festival Carifesta XII
iciHaiti - Culture : D-21, Festival Carifesta XII
31/07/2015 10:46:57
In 21 days, Haiti will host the biggest cultural event in the Caribbean Port au Prince, Jacmel, les Cayes, Gonaives, Cap Haitien will welcome more than 120 shows and events...
iciHaiti - Montreal : Solidarity March with the Haitians in difficulty in the world
iciHaiti - Montreal : Solidarity March with the Haitians in difficulty in the world
31/07/2015 09:36:09
Haitians suffer the scorn and are expelled from the Bahamas, Canada, Turk and Caicos Islands, Dominican Republic... The Haitian diaspora who actively participates in the development of most of these countries, is outraged...
iciHaiti - Social : National funeral for Mgr. Simon-Pierre Saint-Hillien
iciHaiti - Social : National funeral for Mgr. Simon-Pierre Saint-Hillien
31/07/2015 09:22:49
Le Président de la République, Michel Martelly, assistera, ce vendredi 31 Juillet, aux funérailles nationales de l'Evêque du département du Centre, Monseigneur Simon-Pierre Saint-Hillien...
iciHaiti - Education : 17 scholars students in Masters, back home
iciHaiti - Education : 17 scholars students in Masters, back home
30/07/2015 14:12:52
17 young scholars in Master of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) returned home after 2 years of successful studies in Martinique, to the University of Antilles Guyane (Pointe-à-Pitre) to serve their country....
iciHaiti - Politic : New appointments in the Public Service
iciHaiti - Politic : New appointments in the Public Service
30/07/2015 11:21:31
Rothchild François Jr., the Minister of Communication informs that the citizen Pierre Estanislas Cantave Neptune...
iciHaiti - Economy : Arrival of a Canadian exploratory Economic mission
iciHaiti - Economy : Arrival of a Canadian exploratory Economic mission
30/07/2015 10:35:23
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) welcomed at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport, a delegation of 9 young businesswomen came from Canada in exploratory economic mission...
iciHaiti - Security : «There is no electoral violence» dixit le CEP
iciHaiti - Security : «There is no electoral violence» dixit le CEP
30/07/2015 10:32:26
At a sensitization workshop organized for a hundred young, R. Dumet, the communications director of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) said...

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