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iciHaiti - Culture : Launch of the Fortnight of the Francophonie 2016
09/03/2016 09:25:30

iciHaiti - Culture : Launch of the Fortnight of the Francophonie 2016
Tuesday at the Ministry of Culture, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Culture and the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) has officially launched Fortnight of the Francophonie to be held this year until March 22 next around the theme "The Power of words". During this fortnight numerous cultural events will be held throughout the month of March (Cinema, music, theater, debates...) at the French Institute of Haiti (IFH), the French Lycée Alexandre Dumas and in the five French alliances of the country and competitions of literature and general knowledge will be organized in Port-au-Prince, Cap Haitien and Jacmel https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16733-haiti-culture-1st-festival-of-francophone-film-of-port-au-prince.html

In his speech, Jean Michel Lapin, Director General of the Ministry of Culture began by recalling "[...] In his message, the Secretary General of the OIF Michaëlle Jean calls, by the Power of words, to the Resistance against terrorist attacks whose many francophone countries face these days; here in Haiti, in our context, it seems that it is through dialogue that we will manage to measure the Power of words. Because dialogue is facing with respect, the opinion that is not ours [...]

Ladies and gentlemen, we make the vows that the demonstrations of the Fortnight of the Francophonie in Haiti can strengthen initiatives and commitment of country within the Francophone world. They will also serve to strengthen the ties between the Francophone partners involved in Haiti."

S/ iciHaiti

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