
iciHaiti - Humanitarian : Thanks to the diaspora ! 07/03/2016 09:03:22
Last week in the auditorium of Alexandre Pétion high school https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-16760-icihaiti-social-gjh-and-the-diaspora-assist-the-merchants-of-the-street-courbe-and-tiremasse.html the Youth Government of Haiti (GHJ), as part of a project called "recapitalization" has proceeded to the distribution of checks to small merchants severely affected by the arson on the night of Saturday 30 to Sunday, January 31 between streets Courbe and Tiremasse, in downtown Port-au-Prince.
Following a fund raising amounting 5,000 US dollars realized in the diaspora on 1 and 2 February 2016, by the young Haitian Meschac Gervais, evolving in the United States, 58 checks were given to merchants, according to a list compiled by the heads of the four warehouses devastated by fire, to help them resume their economic activities.
IH/ iciHaiti