
iciHaiti - Politic : Students of UEH harden their position 08/03/2016 08:50:52
The situation of the UEH in crisis for several months does not improve https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-16755-icihaiti-social-4-month-blockage-in-ueh.html . Students now reject any negotiations with the Executive Council, saying the time for dialogue is over and that leaders have not seized the opportunity offered to them by protesters occupying the premises of the rectory for several weeks https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16619-haiti-politic-the-occupation-of-the-rectorate-in-ueh-continues.html
Students demanding the resignation of the Executive Council that they make responsible for more than 10 years of the deterioration of conditions for study, of the inadequate university curricula, the insufficient capacity and the various campus issues for UEH.
They calls for the establishment of an Interim Committee composed of teachers integrates, responsible for laying the foundations for university reform.
See also :
TB/ iciHaiti