Haiti - FLASH : FNE debts amount to more than 2 billion gourdes

Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Music : D-5, PAPJAZZ’ It up ! festival (Program)

Haiti - Education : Monitoring the implementation of the «Commitment Agreement» with unions

Haiti - Education: 1,400 teachers in training for the 4 new fundamental school subjects

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iciHaiti - Tribute : UNESCO creates the «Frankétienne Literary Prize»

iciHaiti - Bas-Artibonite : Launch of the interschool football championship

iciHaiti - Obituary : Tribute Evening for Student Commissioner Jean-Mary Louis-André (Video)

iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Launch of the GBV Model Jurisdiction Project

IciHaiti - U-17 World Cup Qualifiers Morocco 2025 : Marc Ogé at the head of the Grenadières

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Social : Erlande Berger elected Miss World Haiti 2021
iciHaiti - Social : Erlande Berger elected Miss World Haiti 2021
05/10/2021 10:24:39
Sunday October 3, 2021 at the Karibe Convention Center, was held the grand finale of Miss World Haiti. Among the 8 finalist candidates, the jury...
iciHaiti - Cayes / Jérémie : Strike and weather defeat to the start of the school year
iciHaiti - Cayes / Jérémie : Strike and weather defeat to the start of the school year
05/10/2021 09:38:20
On Monday October 4, the day of the start of the school year in the Great South, the majority of schools did not function, particularly in the towns of Cayes and Jérémie...
iciHaiti - Earthquake : Spain commits to rebuilding school infrastructure
iciHaiti - Earthquake : Spain commits to rebuilding school infrastructure
04/10/2021 10:40:55
The Ambassador of Haiti to the Kingdom of Spain Louis Marie Montfort Saintil spoke with Anton Leis Garda, Director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation about the Spanish response in Haiti following the earthquake...
iciHaiti - Court of Appeal : Me Claude Jean renounces the case between political prisoners and the Public Prosecutor
iciHaiti - Court of Appeal : Me Claude Jean renounces the case between political prisoners and the Public Prosecutor
04/10/2021 09:07:55
Me Claude Jean, Government Commissioner near the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince, renounces the case opposing political prisoners : Arnel Bélizaire, Pierre Killick Cémélus, Jean Pierre Fleuret, Philémond Garry, Estril Mackenson and Paul Joanel...
iciHaiti - Great South : Exploration of alternatives to the reopening of classes in unrepaired schools
iciHaiti - Great South : Exploration of alternatives to the reopening of classes in unrepaired schools
03/10/2021 10:59:11
Friday October 1st, Cassandra François the Minister of Tourism, one of the Ministers delegated by Prime Minister Henry to coordinate the Government's post-earthquake response in the Great South...
iciHaiti - Women's World Cup 2023 : Grenadières calendar (qualifying)
iciHaiti - Women's World Cup 2023 : Grenadières calendar (qualifying)
03/10/2021 09:29:44
Our Grenadières will return to the stadiums to participate in the qualifiers for the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup to be held in Australia and New Zealand in two years...
iciHaiti - Exhibition : «Nature protects us, let's protect it»
iciHaiti - Exhibition : «Nature protects us, let's protect it»
02/10/2021 11:12:53
From September 30 to October 30, 2021, this educational exhibition accessible to visitors of all ages, will allow visitors to discover what Haitian biodiversity is, the wealth it represents and the dangers to which it is exposed...
iciHaiti - Tourism : Signature of an agreement between the UEH and the Ministry of Tourism
iciHaiti - Tourism : Signature of an agreement between the UEH and the Ministry of Tourism
02/10/2021 11:08:34
As part of the World Tourism Day, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed this week between the Ministry of Tourism and the State University of Haiti for the realization of training, research and of services in the field of Tourism and Heritage....
iciHaiti - Kidnapping : Release of an 8-year-old student by the PNH, 5 arrests
iciHaiti - Kidnapping : Release of an 8-year-old student by the PNH, 5 arrests
02/10/2021 10:14:16
Friday Oct. 1, 2021, Inspector General Marie Michelle Verrier, Spokesperson for the PNH announced the success of the police operation at Village Solidarité, aimed at freeing from the hands of his kidnappers an 8-year-old student kidnapped the same day...
iciHaiti - Technology : The MIDAS system operational in Belladère
iciHaiti - Technology : The MIDAS system operational in Belladère
01/10/2021 11:33:26
The International Organization for Migration in support of the Directorate of Immigration and Emigration of Haiti announces that the MIDAS system is now operational at the Belladère border post...

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