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iciHaiti - ARES : Workshop on research initiatives at the UEH, call for participation
02/02/2022 09:10:14

iciHaiti - ARES : Workshop on research initiatives at the UEH, call for participation
I. Context:
The Academy of Research and Higher Education (ARES), which brings together Belgian French-speaking universities, has been supporting the UEH for around twenty years in various strategic areas. In particular, ARES is today an important partner in the financing of research activities at the UEH. The latest Institutional Support Program (2018-2020), which has since been extended, provides for the holding of a Workshop on the various research initiatives supported by this program. The coordination of the Program wishes to broaden the scope of this workshop and is launching this Call for expressions of interest for the benefit of the entire scientific community of UEH in order to organize a workshop on research initiatives at the UEH which will be held in Port-au-Prince on May 23-25, 2022 and which will close the activities of the 2018-2020 institutional support program

Are you a laboratory director or a researcher ? Are you a researcher interested in the mechanisms and conditions of university cooperation with ARES ? Do you have a research project that can be carried out within the framework of a laboratory and requires institutional or even international resources ? The workshop is made to answer your questions by providing you with precise information. You will also be able to present your project to the community and position it for funding from ARES as part of the next institutional support.

II. Terms of participation :
The presentation of each project will involve the production of a 10-minute pre-recorded capsule (MP4 format) accompanied by a half-page summary.

Provided that a face-to-face presentation is not possible, this video may be broadcast during the workshop, and its content discussed and evaluated right away.

After the file selection phase, the program will offer support in the production of video clips by providing a room, equipment and technicians for recording and editing.

III. Admissibility of projects :
The projects to be presented must meet the following conditions:

  • Be supported by a researcher or a team of researchers from the UEH;
  • Interesting a recognized laboratory if the bearer fails to be part of it;
  • Relate to any phenomenon or any question of interest concerning Haiti or allowing the State University of Haiti to position itself in a global scientific context.

IV. Documents to be submitted :
To register as speakers for the workshop, interested parties must submit an application containing the following elements :

  • Letter of Intent;
  • Document presenting the object of the research, the problem, the main objectives, the applications, the implementation protocol, the collaborators to be mobilized;
  • Curriculum vitae of the main project leader with emphasis on their most relevant experiences;
  • Proof of attachment to the UEH (work certificate, contract, letter of appointment).

V. Files selection :
The classification of the files will be done by an ad hoc Committee which will send a letter to each participant selected for the presentation.

VI. Routing of files:
Deadline for submitting applications: March 4, 2022, at the latest, to the following address: darline.joseph@ueh.edu.ht

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