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iciHaiti - Economy : Launch of the Forum of Entrepreneurs (intervention of the PM)
02/02/2022 08:21:21

iciHaiti - Economy : Launch of the Forum of Entrepreneurs (intervention of the PM)
On Tuesday, February 1st, 2022 in the morning, Prime Minister ai Ariel Henry opened the Finscope Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Entrepreneurship Forum of the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) around the theme "FinScope MSME Survey, Haiti 2022 : Towards a more resilient economic recovery".

In his speech Ariel Henry said "[...] This survey that we are launching today is of capital importance, not only for researchers, the financial sector, the University, the public authorities, but also for our international technical and financial partners.

We want to show the way, lay the foundations on which the government resulting from the next elections can ensure a more resilient economic recovery.

I lead an interim government that will not have enough time to mobilize adequate resources and put in place the strategic public policies necessary to transform the financial environment of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

The economic question must be at the heart of the concerns of all those who want real change in our country and in the life of every Haitian. The break also goes through the financial inclusion of our compatriots excluded from the system and who are the forgotten of the sector.

I renew my Government's will and commitment to do everything possible to create a safe and stable environment, conducive to the success of the FinScope MSME surveys and the implementation of public policy measures and the various projects of the State."

IH/ iciHaiti

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