Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Agriculture : IFAD signs $23.6 million grant agreement with Haiti

Haiti - Economy : Dominican exports to Haiti on the rise

Haiti - Social : Tribute to the 5 police officers killed in combat in Village de Dieu (2021)

Haiti - FLASH : New direct flight from Port-au-Prince to Miami, more details

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iciHaiti - U-20 Women's Football : 2 friendly matches in Chile for our Grenadières

iciHaiti - Obituary : Poet and novelist Anthony Phelps has left us

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Launch of the 3rd edition of the dissertation competition on industrial property

iciHaiti - Haiti needs food aid, according to the FAO

iciHaiti - Environment : The Town Hall of Port-au-Prince will launch a canal cleaning project

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Media : Award Ceremony for Young Journalist Award in Haiti
iciHaiti - Media : Award Ceremony for Young Journalist Award in Haiti
29/09/2016 09:35:50
The awards ceremony for the second edition of the « Young Journalist Award in Haiti » on the theme « Solidarity », took place at FOKAL in the presence of...
iciHaiti - Social : Miss World Haiti, elected 3rd runner at the «Reina Mundial del Banano 2016»
iciHaiti - Social : Miss World Haiti, elected 3rd runner at the «Reina Mundial del Banano 2016»
29/09/2016 09:06:29
Saturday in Machala, Ecuador, in the final of the 32th edition of the beauty contest «Reina Mundial del Banano 2016», Suzana Sampeur, Miss World Haiti 2016 was elected 3rd runner and also won the Award...
iciHaiti - Economy : $10M for the industrial micro-parks
iciHaiti - Economy : $10M for the industrial micro-parks
28/09/2016 14:07:14
As part of the Haitian micro-industrial parks National Program, the Inter-American Development Bank and the European Union have mobilized nearly $10 million and technical supports...
iciHaiti - Football U-17 : Warm congratulations from the Minister Nazaire
iciHaiti - Football U-17 : Warm congratulations from the Minister Nazaire
28/09/2016 10:54:46
Abel Nazaire, Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action (MJSAC) welcomes the exceptional performance achieved by the national football team of under 17...
iciHaiti - Educations : Of labels of excellence for schools
iciHaiti - Educations : Of labels of excellence for schools
28/09/2016 10:46:17
Tuesday in the gardens of the MUPANAH Jean Beauvois Dorsonne the Ministtre of National Education has launched the program « Excellence Award, School Labels quality-oriented...
iciHaiti - Women's Football : End of the coach training
iciHaiti - Women's Football : End of the coach training
27/09/2016 11:15:24
Saturday, the Haitian Football Federation (FHF), closed the 5-days training seminar for Women's Football coaches, at the IFA Goal center of Croix des Bouquets...
iciHaiti - Social : 40 Haitians arrested in Peru
iciHaiti - Social : 40 Haitians arrested in Peru
27/09/2016 10:03:56
The Ministry of the Interior of Peru, reported that a group of 42 illegal migrants, including 31 men and 9 women from Haiti, one from Equatorial Guinea and one from Ivory Coast, victims of human traffickers have been arrested...
iciHaiti - FLASH : D-2, Presidential debate, question of public last day
iciHaiti - FLASH : D-2, Presidential debate, question of public last day
27/09/2016 09:31:11
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry West organizeq a presidential debate between 4 candidates which will be broadcast live on September 29...
iciHaiti - Education : The Minister Nazaire distributes more than 1,000 school kits
iciHaiti - Education : The Minister Nazaire distributes more than 1,000 school kits
26/09/2016 11:20:14
Saturday, as part of the 2nd edition of the Weekend of Youth to the Polyvalent Training Centre of the Croix-des-Bouquets, Abel Nazaire, the Minister of Youth, carried out the distribution of more than 1,000 school kits to disadvantaged youth of...
iciHaiti - Mexico : Many Haitian scholars refuse to back home
iciHaiti - Mexico : Many Haitian scholars refuse to back home
26/09/2016 10:26:20
Ambassador of Mexico, José Luis Alvarado, launched a vibrant appeal to political and private sector of Haiti, to create the conditions necessary to promote the return of Haitian scholars of the First promotion...

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