Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Economy : IMF approves new reference program for Haiti

Haiti - USA : ADIH determined to continue its efforts to extend the HOPE-HELP programs

Haiti - FLASH : More than a billion Gourdes to support the population at the end of the year

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Social : Christmas High School

iciHaiti - Dom. Rep. : The Consulate of Haiti in Santiago helps Haitian detainees

iciHaiti - Cap-Haïtien: Rehabilitation and modernization of Park Saint Victor

iciHaiti - France : Donation of 2 million Euros to the IOM for assistance to deported Haitians

iciHaiti - Diplomacy : Kenya to open a Consulate in Port-au-Prince

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Education : School failure, under-qualified teachers...
iciHaiti - Education : School failure, under-qualified teachers...
07/08/2017 08:13:33
Recognizing the importance of academic failure due to a lack of teacher qualifications, the Government, through the Ministry of Education, has drawn up a policy document on the training of...
iciHaiti - Tourism : Ministry of Tourism on tour in Marigot
iciHaiti - Tourism : Ministry of Tourism on tour in Marigot
07/08/2017 07:13:00
On Saturday, on the occasion of the celebration of Saint Dominic, a delegation from the Ministry of Tourism, composed of senior executives from the Communication Department, made an outreach tour in Marigot...
iciHaiti - Society : A Haitian finalist at the 2nd edition of the Prix Jeunesse 3535
iciHaiti - Society : A Haitian finalist at the 2nd edition of the Prix Jeunesse 3535
06/08/2017 10:27:09
The Association 3535 with the help of the French Institute network and the Abidjan School of Business (ESCA) has just announced in Abidjan the laureates of the 2nd edition...
iciHaiti - Court of Cassation : The recruitment process never ends
iciHaiti - Court of Cassation : The recruitment process never ends
06/08/2017 08:33:13
Following the call for applications, launched last February by the Senate, 32 personalities from the judicial world have applied for the 6 vacant seats...
iciHaiti - Politics : PM seeks synergy with NGOs
iciHaiti - Politics : PM seeks synergy with NGOs
06/08/2017 07:05:05
Prime Minister Lafontant met recently with representatives of NGOs operating in the South of Haiti. to place their interventions on the ground in line with the priority actions...
Haiti - China : End of mandate in Haiti of Ling Jun
Haiti - China : End of mandate in Haiti of Ling Jun
05/08/2017 10:04:12
Aviol Fleurant, the Minister of Planning received this week a a courtesy visit from Ling Jun, the Permanent Representative of the Business Development Bureau of the People's Republic of China in Haiti, before his departure at the end of his term...
iciHaiti - Social : The presidential couple receives students benefiting from the summer jobs of the TNH
iciHaiti - Social : The presidential couple receives students benefiting from the summer jobs of the TNH
05/08/2017 09:28:32
At the invitation of First Lady Martine Moïse, the ten students who benefited from the summer jobs of the TNH were received this week at the National Palace by the presidential couple...
iciHaiti - Diaspora : Suze Youance receives Sir Casimir Gzowski medal
iciHaiti - Diaspora : Suze Youance receives Sir Casimir Gzowski medal
05/08/2017 07:40:06
Suze Youance has spent most of her academic career in Haiti where she obtained a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. In 2006, she immigrated to Canada and pursued her master's degree at the École de Technologie Supérieure...
Haiti - Environment : Civil Protection investing in the cleaning of Port-au-Prince
Haiti - Environment : Civil Protection investing in the cleaning of Port-au-Prince
04/08/2017 09:49:01
Wednesday, the Municipal Directorate of Civil Protection of Port-au-Prince, carried out a vast cleaning operation in the area of the Champ-de-Mars...
Haiti - Diaspora : Minister Auguste visits the MHAVE Kiosk at International Airport
Haiti - Diaspora : Minister Auguste visits the MHAVE Kiosk at International Airport
04/08/2017 08:58:13
Stéphanie Auguste, the Minister of Haitians Living Abroad, visited the ministry's kiosk at the Toussaint Louverture airport in Port-au-Prince to learn about the reception given to compatriots of the Diaspora...

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