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iciHaiti - Politic : Towards the finalization of the National Spatial Planning Scheme
18/01/2018 06:11:26

iciHaiti - Politic : Towards the finalization of the National Spatial Planning Scheme
Tuesday, the Directorate of Spatial Planning, Local and Regional Development (DATDLR) of the Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation launched the first work of finalization of the National Spatial Planning Scheme SNAT (horizon 2045).

This first working session took place around themes: demography, society and culture. It will be followed by many more, in various departments of the country on topics such as the environment, economy and employment, industry and trade to name a few.

The SNAT will lay down fundamental guidelines for economic, social and cultural development, regional planning and the environment, while respecting gender equality. It will specify the short-, medium- and long-term objectives for the implementation of these orientations and will identify priority projects to be implemented in each of the sectors.

The SNAT aims to organize and structure the national territory, ensure the protection of historical and cultural heritage and landscapes and organize urbanization consistent with the objectives of regional development.

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