iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Denial : Entrance examination to the UEH (2021-2022) 07/08/2021 10:51:17 |
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) hastens to inform the public in general and graduates in particular... |
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iciHaiti - Necrology : Death of sports journalist, Pierre Paul Charles 07/08/2021 10:10:35 |
Petricks Justin, the Minister of Youth and Sports learned with emotion and sadness the death of Emérite Sports Journalist, Pierre Paul Charles, Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at the age of 76... |
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iciHaiti - Epidemic : List of 32 vaccination sites opened by department 07/08/2021 09:36:26 |
12,300 doses of « Spikevax » vaccine from the MODERNA Laboratory have been injected in total in Haiti since July 16, 2021, date of the first injection... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : The PM visited the Senators 06/08/2021 11:19:29 |
On Thursday August 5, 2021, the acting Prime Minister, Ariel Henry, visited the Senators. The exchanges between the Head of Government and the Senators Joseph Lambert President of the upper house as well as with several of his colleagues were... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : The Péligre plant occupied and under the threat of armed individuals 06/08/2021 10:46:36 |
Michel Présumé, Director General of EDH once again denounces the illegal occupation of the Péligre hydroelectric plant station by armed individuals posing as security agents and endangering the facilities... |
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iciHaiti - Taiwan : Environmental cooperation 05/08/2021 11:26:28 |
James CADET, the new Minister of the Environment met with the Ambassador of Taiwan (Republic of China) Wen-Jiann KU with the aim of taking stock of bilateral cooperation in environmental matters... |
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iciHaiti - Delmas : Gérald Bataille's new sub-police station ready 05/08/2021 10:30:25 |
On Wednesday August 4, 2021, the brand new Gérald Bataille sub police station, built by the City of Delmas, was handed over to the Haitian National Police... |
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iciHaiti - Port-de-Paix : Success in the fight against the fuel black market 05/08/2021 09:47:46 |
The municipality of Port-de-Paix informs the general public that operations aimed at eliminating the sale of fuel on the black market in the city will continue... |
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iciHaiti - Covid-19 : List of open vaccination sites (Update August 3) 04/08/2021 10:42:32 |
8.107 (+1,531 in 3 days) doses of « Spikevax » vaccine (official name since June 21, 2021) from the MODERNA Laboratory have been injected in total since July 16, 2021, date of the first injection... |
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iciHaiti - Assassination of the President : 5 new «suspects» 04/08/2021 10:07:13 |
Tuesday August 2, the Prosecutor's Office of Port au Prince revealed that as part of the investigation into the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, 5 warrants to bring had been issued... |
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