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iciHaiti - Environment : Sanitation works accelerate before Christmas
06/12/2021 09:37:39

iciHaiti - Environment : Sanitation works accelerate before Christmas
The sanitation campaign launched by the new Minister of Public Works, Rosemond Pradel is gaining momentum in the metropolitan region as the end of the year celebrations approach.

For the period from November 29 to December 5, 2021, operations reached the municipalities of Port-au-Prince, Tabarre and Cité Soleil (previous period https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-35362-haiti-news-zapping.html)

In the town of Tabarre, cleaning, removal and reshaping work was carried out along Avenue Maïs Gâté as far as Carradeux, Tabarre 52, Clercine 2 and the surrounding areas.

In Port-au-Prince, this work was underway at Boulevard Truman and La Saline. Hundreds of cubic meters of rubbish were evacuated from the roadway, facilitating the flow of traffic.

Taking into account the mechanical cleaning operations, the Nirvana (Martelly) canal which crosses the 1st Ave. Bolosse to the coast, is being cured both upstream and downstream. The technicians also put the emphasis in the Madan Ganot canal located on the RN2 near Fontamara.

Furthermore, in Cité Soleil, on the Route Neuve, Boulevard des Américains, pavement cleaning operations have been stepped up.

It should be noted that the rehabilitation and connection works of the Ave. N / rue Sicot (Carrefour-Feuilles) are progressing gradually.

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