Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - FLASH : «If this drags on much longer, there may not be much left of Haiti to save» dixit William O’Neill

Haiti - Diaspora : The «MHAVE à l’écoute» service is operational again for 6 countries (list and numbers)

Haiti - Security : National Palace Security Officer Shot and Wounded

Haiti - FLASH : First details on António Guterres' proposal to the Security Council

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iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Restocking of 35 community restaurants

iciHaiti - FLASH : The Pope has emerged from the most critical phase, but his prognosis remains reserved

iciHaiti - Unesco : New Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Haiti

iciHaiti - Security : Construction of the border wall with Haiti continues

iciHaïti - Pope's Health Bulletin : Prognosis still reserved, but new improvements

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Security : An active member of the Vitelhomme gang arrested
iciHaiti - Security : An active member of the Vitelhomme gang arrested
09/10/2023 09:04:54
Sidolixe James Smith alias « Jimmy », an active member of the Vitelhomme gang was arrested by agents of the Toussaint Louverture International Airport of the Office for the Fight against Drug Trafficking...
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #300
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #300
08/10/2023 09:05:56
59,134 hospitalized cases of cholera (suspected and confirmed) recorded since the start of the epidemic - 879 deaths since the start of the epidemic (Partial) - Those under 14 years old represent 44.5% of all suspected cases...
iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Towards an increasing of municipal revenues
iciHaiti - Cap-Haitien : Towards an increasing of municipal revenues
08/10/2023 08:57:27
The Cap-Haitien Municipal Commission had frank, substantive and constructive discussions with « Cities Alliance » and its partners as part of the IMRIS program...
iciHaiti - Gangs : Local fuel shortage, prices are exploding...
iciHaiti - Gangs : Local fuel shortage, prices are exploding...
08/10/2023 08:37:19
For more than a week, violence caused by heavily armed individuals in the North-East and Center has prevented the free movement of vehicles...
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #299
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #299
07/10/2023 10:20:57
65,736 cases of cholera (suspected and confirmed) recorded since the start of the epidemic - 879 deaths since the start of the epidemic (Partial) - positive case rate 34.13% on tests carried out...
iciHaiti - Port-de-Paix : 10 new police officers to strengthen the Intervention Brigade
iciHaiti - Port-de-Paix : 10 new police officers to strengthen the Intervention Brigade
07/10/2023 10:18:58
Friday October 6, 2023, the Departmental Directorate of the North-West Police carried out the ceremony of awarding certificates to 10 new police officers from the Intervention Brigade...
iciHaiti - Fombrun Foundation : School Excellence Sponsorship Fund
iciHaiti - Fombrun Foundation : School Excellence Sponsorship Fund
07/10/2023 09:32:15
The Odette Roy Fombrun Foundation (FORF) for Education has officially launched its School Excellence Sponsorship Fund program for the 2023-2024 academic year...
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #298
iciHaiti - Cholera : Daily Bulletin #298
06/10/2023 10:21:46
35 new cases (suspected and confirmed) hospitalized in 24 hours - 879 deaths (partial) since the start of the epidemic - Artibonite strongly affected by the epidemic...
iciHaiti - South : Heads of police stations and sub-police stations trained on corruption
iciHaiti - South : Heads of police stations and sub-police stations trained on corruption
06/10/2023 10:09:01
As part of the continued awareness raising in the fight against corruption initiated by the General Inspectorate of the National Police of Haiti...
iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways : Inaugural flight Cap-Haitien/Miami
iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways : Inaugural flight Cap-Haitien/Miami
06/10/2023 09:44:25
Ms. Judith Nazareth Auguste, Minister of Haitians Living Abroad, took part in the inaugural Cap-Haitien / Miami flight of the Haitian airline Sunrise Airway...

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