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iciHaiti - Grand’Anse : Site tour of 3 new school infrastructures
19/11/2023 07:58:26

iciHaiti - Grand’Anse : Site tour of 3 new school infrastructures
This week, Jean Ronald Joseph Director General of the National Fund for Education (FNE) and his team toured the construction sites of 3 new school infrastructures.

They went to Pestel (Dept. Grand’Anse) to visit the construction site of the National School of Tozia, work on which has reached 40%. This school will include two buildings with 9 classrooms and three administration rooms.

During the discussions, the engineers and supervisors on site highlighted the difficulties in finding the materials necessary for the construction of this establishment in a timely manner since the embargo imposed on construction materials by the Dominican Republic https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40698-haiti-flash-partial-reopening-of-the-dominican-border-new-measures-and-an-embargo.html

In Duchity (Grand’Anse) the FNE team construction work on the national high school has just started

This high school will include three buildings of 6 classrooms each, two separate toilet blocks for girls and boys, accommodation for the caretaker, a 40 cubic meter water tank and parking. According to details from the company responsible for the construction of the high school, workers have started earthworks and excavations of the ground. The work is at 5%.

It should be noted that the Duchity national high school will constitute the first major public infrastructure built by the Government in this newly created commune.

Jean Ronald Joseph and his team also visited the construction site of the École Nationale de Lory in Marfranc (Grande’Anse)

Construction work on this school, which began in February 2023, includes two high buildings, each comprising six rooms, as well as two separate toilet blocks for girls and boys. According to the company responsible for the construction, workers have started erecting the buildings, and the work has reached 30% progress.

Jean Ronald Joseph took the opportunity to discuss with Marcélus Jean Félot, the Director of the National School who specified that the school covers the entire basic cycle and will accommodate 700 students.

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