iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 09/02/2014 14:09:31 |
Port for the industrial Park North ? - $1 million for Parliament - President Martelly speaks of a security force for Haiti - Opening of the National Institution of music of Haiti - President Martelly wishes to meet... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 08/02/2014 15:24:48 |
Review of the PNH (5 January to 5 February) - Friendly Match Grenadiers in Kosovo ? - Towards the end of the street lighting problems in Gonaïves - Progress of communal projects (education sector) - Training of police officers in Cap-Haitien... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 07/02/2014 12:06:57 |
Curb illegal emigration - Journalists discover the North Destination - The business sectors of Delmas wants electricity at the right times - Visit of the irrigation system in Léogâne... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 06/02/2014 14:04:48 |
New anti-governmental demonstration - Protocolary Meeting of OAS for President Martelly - Constitutional Amendment ? - NOTICE of the Embassy of Mexico, passport application - Laurent Lamothe in Cité Soleil - Official Launch of the Institute... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 05/02/2014 14:36:49 |
Delivery of the keys of social housing in Carrefour-Feuilles - The show-naval of the Commune of Delmas - Launch of new EU project - Meeting with the Haitian Tourism Association - Training on the Single Registry of Beneficiaries... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 04/02/2014 13:10:58 |
Provisional list of bands for the National Carnival - The President Martelly «Serene Grand Protector of the Order» - Visit of Gérald Oriol Jr. to the Minister of Social Affairs - «ARSE 19» making great strides - The Victorine Latortue school... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 03/02/2014 14:31:12 |
President Martelly will speak at the Howard University - Opening of the exhibition « Paroles de Fierté » - MAST meeting at the U.S. Embassy - Yanick Lahens, winner of the 2014 ADELF... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 02/02/2014 14:07:24 |
Moïse Jean-Charles describes the inter-dialogue Haitian of Carnival - One or two elections in 2014 ? - Diaspora Boston Black History Month - NOTICE of the city of Petion Ville... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 01/02/2014 15:44:58 |
Dany Laferrière wants to be a bridge between America and Africa - Situation of HIV / AIDS in Haiti - Haitian Film Distribution in Africa - FAES and the World Bank provided an update on « Kore Fanmi » - Payment of first installment of the PSUGO... |
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Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 31/01/2014 13:51:53 |
Simon Desras denies the assertions of Joseph Lambert - Carnival 2014 Hotels predatory pricing - Reopening of the consulate office in Atlanta - Departure of 20 Haitian scholars for Morocco - 3rd Edition of « Carnival of Books »... |
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