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iciHaiti - FLASH : Baccalaureate for candidates that failed, registrations open
05/11/2023 07:59:37

iciHaiti - FLASH : Baccalaureate for candidates that failed, registrations open
The Ministry of National Education informs that the first session of the baccalaureate examinations for candidates that failed in the 2023-2024 academic year from the Permanent Evaluation Center (CPEV) will be held from December 18 to 21, 2023.

To this end, candidate registrations are planned during the period from November 6 to 24, 2023 in all Departmental Directorates of Education (DDE).

Registration conditions :

1. Participation form for the last tests or certificate from the MENFP;
2. Two identity photos;
3. Participation fee of two thousand one hundred (2,000) gourdes per candidate.

Candidates that failed in the final year (terminale), entitled to take part in the exams, will only compose in the subjects for which they did not have the passing grade (recorded in the BUNEXE database) for a period of two years following the assessment. official. Otherwise, they will have to repeat all the subjects.

The MENFP asks Departmental Directors to take all measures for the smooth running of the registration process for the candidates concerned.

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