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iciHaiti - Security : Several bandits fell in the Artibonite
01/11/2023 09:54:38

iciHaiti - Security : Several bandits fell in the Artibonite
The Ti Grif gang leader, operating in Petite-Rivière de l'Artibonite, was fatally injured on Saturday October 28, 2023, in exchanges of fire with the Police. These operations were supported by the detachment of the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit (UTAG) of Artibonite.

At the same time, last Thursday, October 26, the man named "Gros Nègre" was mortally wounded in exchanges of fire with UTAG agents, in the town of Liancourt.

Several of his acolytes were also hit by projectiles, when they were involved in scenes of looting of private property.

It should be noted that "Rat", as he is known, an active member of the "Gran Grif" gang operating in Savien, was arrested and others shot, during police operations carried out jointly with the UTAG detachment of the Artibonite, Tuesday October 24, 2023.

The Artibonite Departmental Police Directorate reiterates its commitment to fighting against all hotbeds of gangs, in order to restore order and peace within the population.

S/ iciHaiti

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