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iciHaiti - Football : 3 Haitians from the FHF graduated by FIFA
26/10/2023 10:26:12

iciHaiti - Football : 3 Haitians from the FHF graduated by FIFA
Three leaders of the Haitian Football Federation (FHF), Ms. Monique André, Yvon Sévère and Patrick Massenat, are currently in Zurich, Switzerland, to participate in the Safeguarding Summit organized by FIFA.

During this summit, these 3 leaders were awarded the "FIFA Guardians" diploma for prevention for children. This diploma is designed to support the work of prevention professionals for the benefit of children in FIFA member associations: it aims to develop and train a group of prevention professionals for children in the football environment.

The protection of children in sport is a priority issue for the FHF standardization committee. Recently, it began the training process for its first cohort of safeguarding agents https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-40515-icihaiti-fhf-training-of-safeguarding-and-protection-agents-for-minors.html with two training courses organized in the metropolitan area for football academies and schools. The training of its local leaders follows the same logic.

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