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iciHaiti - Gangs : Displaced police officers need support
18/10/2023 10:52:17

iciHaiti - Gangs : Displaced police officers need support
The National Union of Haitian Police Officers (SYNAPOHA) would like to recall that following a letter addressed to the acting Director General of the National Police of Haiti Franrz Elbé, on September 14, 2023 for the police officers displaced at the level of the metropolitan region under the serious threat and influence of armed gangs, a request was made by the union for supervision and support to the latter.

The union takes note of the memo made by the General Directorate of the National Police of Haiti through which the request was made to those responsible to register all the police officers dislodged due to insecurity.

The Union suggests that General Directorate also look into the case of administrative staff through this program who have also been victims of this phenomenon.

SYNAPOHA wants this program to be completely transparent and must really target the police and administrative staff who are the real victims of this insecurity phenomenon.

IH/ iciHaiti

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