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iciHaiti - PoliTour : The Tourist Police celebrates its 10th anniversary
01/10/2023 10:06:23

iciHaiti - PoliTour : The Tourist Police celebrates its 10th anniversary
Wednesday September 27, 2023, Luz Kurta Cassandra François, the Minister of Tourism and Frantz Elbé, the acting Director General of the Haitian National Police (PNH), accompanied by members of the High Command, the Inspector General, Carl Henri Boucher, first responsible for the Politour, Commissioner Emmanuel Corvil currently in charge of the Unit, wanted to be present at the ceremony commemorating the 10 years of the Tourist Police (PoliTour), created on September 28, 2013, under Minister Stéphanie Balmir Villedrouin https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-8356-haiti-security-acceleration-of-the-creation-of-the-tourist-police.html in the presence of police officers of all ranks and various personalities.

An opportunity for Minister François to renew the Ministry's attachment to PoliTour agents for the quality of service provided within the sector by striving to make the tourist destination Haiti safer and more secure for visietrus and tourists.

Frantz Elbé, in a short speech, reiterated the importance of this specialized unit within the PNH.

Let's remember that the PoliTour's mission is to monitor the country's tourist sites and monuments, guide tourists and take measures against any individual harming the tourism sector through their actions.

S/ iciHaiti

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