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iciHaiti - Mexico : A bus carrying Haitians arrested by mistake
28/06/2019 10:44:53

iciHaiti - Mexico : A bus carrying Haitians arrested by mistake
Mexican immigration officials stopped a bus this week with 48 passengers from Haiti, Honduras and Guatemala as they headed for Juarez in northern Chihuahua, Mexico.

According to the investigators, the migrants told the agents that they would have paid the equivalent of 100 US dollars to go to the border town of Tijuana (Mexican city of the State of Baja California), but that they were taken to Juarez by the bus driver without knowing why, instead of going directly to Tijuana.

After a few moments of tension, immigration officials said that all the migrants on board had sufficient identity papers to travel to Mexico and had been released to continue their journey.

Moreover, in Guatemala the National Civil Police (PNC) intercepted at kilometer 14 of the Pacific Highway in the department of Alta Verapaz located in northern Guatemala, 7 people from Haiti, including two miners who were traveling in a bus in irregular migratory situation. Our compatriots were transferred to Zone 5 of the capital pending their deportation to Haiti. They are : Cineus, 42, Jovin Esaie 42, Violet Zamy 30, Petion Suze, 29, Pierre Vladimir 27 and two children under 14.

SL/ iciHaiti

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