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iciHaiti - Culture : Entry into force of the remuneration for private copy
11/12/2017 08:05:27

iciHaiti - Culture : Entry into force of the remuneration for private copy
According to Article 45 of the 2005 Decree on Copyright and Neighboring Rights in Haiti, the draft decree on the collection of remuneration for private copy, previously submitted by the Haitian Bureau of Copyright (BHDA) to the Ministry of Culture, has now come into application.

Being in charge of the Ministry of Culture, this application on remuneration for private copy provides for the distribution of the amount collected as follows :

-25% to songwriters;
-25% to producers;
-25% to the performers;
-25% to the public collective management body for its social and cultural promotion.

In order to follow up on the two days of reflection held at the end of last October on the opportunity to amend the two 2005 Decrees in force, respectively on Copyright and Neighboring Rights and creating the BHDA, the Bureau will entrust to a legal consulting firm recognized for its expertise in the field, the drafting of two new draft bills which will take into account the proposed amendments and which will be forwarded to the Ministry of Culture for the purposes of the voting procedure at Parliament level.

Note also that the BHDA offers every Thursday in its offices from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm free consultations for creators and citizens facing problems of copyright and/or related rights. Note that this service which had been interrupted has resumed since last April.

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