
iciHaiti - Politics : Bill on identification at birth, still not voted 27/07/2017 09:10:57
The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers recalls that the Draft Law Establishing the Single National Identification Card and on the Protection of Personal Data https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Projet-de-loi-instituant-la-carte-d’identification-nationale-unique-et-portant-sur-la-protection-des-données-personnelles.pdf is awaiting ratification since 25 April 2017.
Whereas the State is unable to identify all its nationals or fails to provide all individuals living on national territory with a secure identification document respecting the protection of privacy with regard to treatment of the personal data. The proof is that many compatriots do not have identity papers to assert their civil and political rights. This situation is detrimental to them and this bill is there to solve this problem.
With this law, the identification of nationals will take place at birth https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20893-haiti-politics-good-news-for-the-identification-of-haitians.html Penalties are provided for those who have attended the birth of a child but who have not made the declaration. Nationals will each have a unique National Identification Number (NINU), which will have the same coding structure as the Tax Identification Number (NIF).
Download the Bill (in french) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Projet-de-loi-instituant-la-carte-d’identification-nationale-unique-et-portant-sur-la-protection-des-données-personnelles.pdf
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