iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Health : A scourge threatens Haitian youth 02/11/2015 09:45:22 |
Friday, Jimmy Albert, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action, received Martino Guerrier, Coordinator of the CONALD... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH : Embezzlement in MTPTC, 9 persons wanted 02/11/2015 08:27:26 |
Under the diversion of over 153 million gourdes to the Minister of Public Works, the principal inspector Garry Desrosiers, Deputy Spokesman of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) reported that 9 people... |
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iciHaiti - Justice : Follow-up of arrests of the last election 01/11/2015 11:09:41 |
In the election of October 25, nearly 200 people were arrested for various offenses, the Ministry of Justice that states that the records of these people « have been processed or are being treated by justice... |
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iciHaiti - Economy : Haiti present at the 33rd Havana International Trade Fair 01/11/2015 09:56:44 |
A Haitian delegation led by Jude Hervey Day, the Minister of Trade and Industry, will leaves Haiti this Sunday to Cuba, to attend the 33rd FIHAV Havana International Trade Fair, to be held from 1 to 7 November... |
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iciHaiti - Dominican Republic : Arrest of 28 illegal Haitian 01/11/2015 08:39:19 |
28 Haitian compatriots (20 men, 4 women and 4 children) in irregular migratory situation have been arrested while traveling in a minibus... |
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iciHaiti - Tourism : Frantz Rimpel decorated by ATH 31/10/2015 11:01:32 |
The Tourism Association of Haiti, in the presence of Maryse Noel, the Director General of the Ministry of Tourism, presented a plaque of honor to Mr. Frantz Rimpel after his 48 years of work in the tourist sector... |
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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Strengthening of the seed sector in Haiti 31/10/2015 09:30:46 |
La FAO et le Ministère de l'Agriculture participeront à un atelier de réflexion sur la stratégie de renforcement du secteur semencier en Haïti, qui se tiendra... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Address change for the Consulate of Montreal 31/10/2015 07:28:22 |
The Consulate General of Haiti in Montreal reminds the Haitian community that the Consular Mission is moving from November 3 at the following address... |
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iciHaiti - Culture : The National Directorate of Book celebrates its 10 years 30/10/2015 12:21:40 |
dnesday at the Karibe Hotel, the National Directorate of the Book (DNL) celebrated at a gala evening, its ten years of existence on the theme « A Decade to promote the book and reading »... |
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iciHaiti - Justice : Haiti at the 5th Congress of National Commissions of Human Rights (Dakar) 30/10/2015 11:07:10 |
Florence Elie, the Protector of Citizens in Haiti, participated in the Hotel King Fahd Palace in Dakar (Senegal), to the 5th Statutory Congress of the Francophone Association of National Commissions of Human Rights (AFCNDH), which ended yesterday... |
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