iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Politics : Privert at the 5th CELAC summit 23/01/2017 09:49:24 |
The Dominican Republic is awaiting a strong participation of Heads of State and Government at the 5th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), to be held on 24-25 January in Bavaro... |
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iciHaiti - Arts : Who is Fritz Racine? 23/01/2017 08:31:06 |
Racine has been a Haitian Art Collector since the opening of the Art Center in Haiti in the mid 1940’s. He was the professor of ceramics for several prominent Haitian painters, including the iconic Jean-Claude Garoute (Tiga)... |
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iciHaiti - Humanitarian : Food for the Poor reports 23/01/2017 08:06:29 |
Thanks to the Sogebank Foundation and E-Power, which contributed $150,000 and $60,000 respectively, Food for the Poor was able, under often difficult conditions, to repair the roofs of... |
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iciHaiti - Environment : EDH finally interested in renewable energy 22/01/2017 09:28:02 |
The United Nations Development Program, is supporting the capacity building of technicians and specialists of the EDH, for a better master of good practices associated with the development of renewable energies... |
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iciHaiti - France : Support for Public University in the Region 22/01/2017 08:35:32 |
A working session was held with leaders of a Mission of the International Conference of Directors / Deans of the Schools of Management of French Expression around cooperation actions in the Haitian educational sector... |
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Haiti - Voodoo : «Awoyo», a show of memory 22/01/2017 08:02:50 |
Haitian artist Erol Josué, Hougan and Director General of the BNE, participated at the « Rencontres d’Ici et d’Ailleurs » on the occasion of the National Feast of Voodoo in Benin. This encounter ended with an amazing show « Awoyo», created by Erol... |
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iciHaiti - Economy : Project «Investing in Haiti / Open Data» 21/01/2017 08:47:23 |
As part of the « Investing in Haiti / Open Data » project, a memorandum of understanding for the sharing of electronic data has just been signed... |
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iciHaiti - Sunrise Airways : Commissioning of an Airbus A320 21/01/2017 08:18:35 |
Philippe Bayard, President of the Haitian company Sunrise Airways announced in a press release the commissioning of a new Airbus A320 aircraft of 180 seats on the air routes between... |
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iciHaiti - FLASH invitation : Election Fair 2017 21/01/2017 07:45:52 |
The Executive Directorate of the Provisional Electoral Council invites the general public, political parties and groups, to the Election Fair 2017, 52/5000
to be held at the Ritz Kinam 2, from Sunday 22 to... |
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iciHaiti - Training : Urbanism certificate delivery 20/01/2017 10:21:28 |
This Friday at the Marriott Hotel, will take place the closing and delivery of certificates of the continuing education in urban management, led by the CIAT in partnership with the French Association AGIRabcd and the European Union... |
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