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iciHaiti - Security : Driver hit and vehicle of BSEIPH burned...
16/05/2017 09:25:25

iciHaiti - Security : Driver hit and vehicle of BSEIPH burned...
The Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of People with Disabilities (BSEIPH) vehemently deplores the attitude of individuals who, during a recent demonstration, hit a driver of the Office and burned his vehicle, a double cabin pickup, registration SE 0I710 on the street Lafleur Duchaine.

The BSEIPH denounces this act of pure vandalism and expresses concern about the civic unconsciousness of some citizens have shown for some time. It calls for an end to these behaviors while hoping that the demonstrators will find in the future, other non-violent means to pass their demands.

The Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of People with Disabilities invites citizens taking part in protest movements to recover and respect the rights and property of everyone.

IH/ iciHaiti

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