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iciHaiti - Politic : The port economic hub, growth accelerator
15/05/2017 08:52:31

iciHaiti - Politic : The port economic hub, growth accelerator
The engineer Hervé Eveillard, the Director General r of the National Port Authority (APN), sees in the implementation of Port Economy Poles (PEP), an option for structuring, which can restore hope and initiative for municipalities in coastal regions, through a coherence scheme, poverty reduction, job creation, strengthening of social cohesion and development.

The peculiarity of a PEP is the concentration on a given maritime site of adequate port facilities, zones or developed areas, which represent a multimodal system linking several modes of transport: road, maritime, etc...

"The port economic pole as a model of accelerated growth advocated by the APN, is part of the will of the Head of State to correct and innovate to create the conditions for socio-economic start-up. It brings together around our municipalities a cluster of actors in a public-private partnership in the service of our regions," explained Hervé Eveillard, who has given the guarantee that his institution intends to play its part to allow the country to take the path of modernity by mobilizing its own resources for the benefit of the Haitian people in order to promote the emergence of a framework favorable to the emergence of outbreak of structuring socio-economic activities.

Let us recall that the concept of Pole Economique Portuaire was initiated in 2013 by the former Director General of the APN, the Engineer Alix Célestin https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-8215-haiti-economy-identification-of-public-private-partnerships-in-the-port-sector.html

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