Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Social : 60,000 people displaced by violence in 1 month

Haiti - Diplomacy : Nesly Numa replaces Haitian Ambassador Weibert Arthus in Canada

Haiti - Politic : Tour of President of the Transitional Council in the North

Haiti - Technology : $13.5 million investment in solar energy

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iciHaiti - Social : Honor and Merit to seven women from MJSAC

iciHaïti - NOTICE : DIE is recruiting 50 Immigration Inspectors, registrations open

iciHaiti - Politic : Chancellor Jean-Baptiste visits the Orlando Consulate

iciHaiti - Politic : Minister Jean Jean calls for solidarity from UN members in favor of Haitian women

iciHaiti - Works : Rehabilitation of 65 km of National Road #6

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - Politic : Important working session between Céant and the head of Minujusth
iciHaiti - Politic : Important working session between Céant and the head of Minujusth
21/09/2018 09:00:51
Thursday, following the commitment of the Minujusth to continue its partnership with the Haitian authorities Prime Minister Jean Henry Céant received in his official residence, Ms. La Lime, the new Special Representative of the Secretary General of the...
iciHaiti - PNH : Message of Gédéon to 692 new police officers
iciHaiti - PNH : Message of Gédéon to 692 new police officers
21/09/2018 08:21:51
This week, during the graduation ceremony of the 29th promotion of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) the Director General of the PNH addressing new police officers declared...
iciHaiti - PetroCaribe : The CCIH fully supports the request for accountability
iciHaiti - PetroCaribe : The CCIH fully supports the request for accountability
20/09/2018 09:15:02
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Haiti (CCIH) says support « [...] without reservation, the request for accountability on the PetroCaribe agreement and welcomes the announcement by the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes...
iciHaiti - Politic : Personalities honored for their contributions to democracy in Haiti
iciHaiti - Politic : Personalities honored for their contributions to democracy in Haiti
20/09/2018 09:03:46
As part of the International Day of Democracy, plaques of honor and the « Politico Tech Awards » were awarded to the Hotel El Rancho, several Haitian personalities for their contribution to democracy in Haiti...
iciHaiti - Education : Grand'Anse handing over keys for 11 reconstructed and rehabilitated schools
iciHaiti - Education : Grand'Anse handing over keys for 11 reconstructed and rehabilitated schools
20/09/2018 08:01:52
Wednesday, September 19 at the National School Catherine Flon in the city of Jeremie, was held the ceremony of handing over keys by Solidarité Laïque Haiti, for 11 schools rebuilt and rehabilitated in the department of Grand'Anse...
iciHaïti - Politic : USA looks forward to working with Céant and the new Haitian
iciHaïti - Politic : USA looks forward to working with Céant and the new Haitian
19/09/2018 08:58:01
« The United States looks forward to working with Prime Minister Céant and the new Haitian government...
iciHaiti - Economy : The new Minister of Commerce wants to be part of the continuity
iciHaiti - Economy : The new Minister of Commerce wants to be part of the continuity
19/09/2018 08:30:26
The new MCI holder wants to build on the continuity of projects already underway while ensuring that these and the new projects that will be implemented are...
iciHaiti - Politic : Haiti-France a mutual attachment
iciHaiti - Politic : Haiti-France a mutual attachment
19/09/2018 08:00:42
The new French Ambassador to Haiti, José Gomez, believes that France and Haiti are united by a friendship rooted in shared values and...
iciHaiti - Security : Arrest of 111 Haitians at sea
iciHaiti - Security : Arrest of 111 Haitians at sea
18/09/2018 09:48:42
The MV Sea Pursuit vessel of the Turks and Caicos Islands Maritime Police last week intercepted yet another illegal ship from Haiti...
iciHaiti - Politic : The European Union reiterates its commitments alongside the Haitian State
iciHaiti - Politic : The European Union reiterates its commitments alongside the Haitian State
18/09/2018 08:50:42
The European Union and its Member States are ready to bring their full support to the new Government as well as to all actors in the political, economic and social life of the country in order to...

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