iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Culture : First Edition of the «GEDE FEST» Festival 01/10/2018 08:50:38 |
From October 25 to November 3, 2018, will be held the first edition of the Festival «GEDE FEST» organized by the cultural directorate of the Hotel Oloffson... |
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iciHaiti - Diaspora : Creole Month in Montreal 01/10/2018 08:33:54 |
Saturday, October 6, from 6 pm to 10 pm will be held the opening of the 17th edition of « Creole Month in Montreal » and the 9th Rally for Haitian Art... |
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iciHaiti - Education : Phase II of the Project «Haiti wins : read, write and succeed» 30/09/2018 08:55:51 |
With the goal of strengthening the reading and writing skills of 1st and 2nd year of fundamental of 52 schools in the Northeast Department, the Project « Haiti wins : read, write and succeed » entered in its Phase II... |
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iciHaiti - Agriculture : The price of rice above the five-year average 30/09/2018 08:21:59 |
After about two months of delay, a more or less significant rainfall, in cumulative terms, was recorded in August and during the first 10 days of September... |
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iciHaiti - Justice : Haiti finally adheres to the 1954 and 1961 Conventions against Statelessness 30/09/2018 07:43:12 |
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency applauds Haiti’s landmark decisions to join international agreements to counter statelessness... |
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iciHaiti - Health : Nearly 1% of the Haitian population is visually impaired or blind 29/09/2018 09:42:54 |
In Haiti, there are nearly 100,000 visually impaired (partial or total blindness) or 1% of the population reveals Dr. Michel Péan, Coordinator of the Haitian Society for Help to the Blind, who is concerned about the growing number... |
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iciHaiti - DR : CaribeTours recovers 5 of its buses seized in Haiti for almost 3 months 29/09/2018 09:28:21 |
Thursday, the consul of Juana Méndez Esteban Antonio Cruz informed that the two buses of the transport company CaribeTours retained by the judicial authorities of the city of Ouanminthe in Haiti for nearly 3 months, have been finally returned... |
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iciHaiti - Sports : Funeral of the late Rosemond Pierre 29/09/2018 09:15:06 |
The Haitian Football Federation joins the Pierre family to announce the funeral of the unforgettable pearl of the Aigle Noir and of Haitian football Rosemonde Pierre... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : 2nd International Colloquium of Public Universities in Regions 28/09/2018 10:20:23 |
Thursday 27 September in Ennery (Artibonite) was launched the 2nd International Colloquium of Public Universities in Regions on « University governance, societal dynamics and management of academic crises... |
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iciHaiti - Social : The law on accessibility standards, published in the official journal 28/09/2018 10:04:50 |
The Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities informs us that the law on the accessibility standards of the built environment has been published in the official journal « Le Moniteur... |
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