Haiti - Insecurity : «Viv Ansanm» multiplies attacks against Haitian media

Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Social : 60,000 people displaced by violence in 1 month

Haiti - Diplomacy : Nesly Numa replaces Haitian Ambassador Weibert Arthus in Canada

Haiti - Politic : Tour of President of the Transitional Council in the North

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iciHaiti - Social : Honor and Merit to seven women from MJSAC

iciHaïti - NOTICE : DIE is recruiting 50 Immigration Inspectors, registrations open

iciHaiti - Politic : Chancellor Jean-Baptiste visits the Orlando Consulate

iciHaiti - Politic : Minister Jean Jean calls for solidarity from UN members in favor of Haitian women

iciHaiti - Works : Rehabilitation of 65 km of National Road #6

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - CIN : Mobilization for the identification of citizens
iciHaiti - CIN : Mobilization for the identification of citizens
10/01/2021 11:56:18
Friday, as part of the « National Identification Card delivery days », Guy André Jr. François Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of Citizenship and Patriotism and coordinator of the identification project...
iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Fling of merchants in the perimeter of the Rosary Church
iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Fling of merchants in the perimeter of the Rosary Church
09/01/2021 09:43:28
As part of the operation to rebuild the image of the commune, Jean Wesnel Edrouine Pervil, who chairs the Communal Commission of Croix-des-Bouquets, this week led an operation to free the streets...
iciHaiti - PNH : High level meeting on the security situation in Haiti
iciHaiti - PNH : High level meeting on the security situation in Haiti
09/01/2021 08:35:38
Friday January 8, Léon Charles, the Commander-in-Chief of the PNH chaired a working meeting on the security situation of the country in which participated : members of the High Command, Departmental Directors and executives superiors...
iciHaiti - Humanitarian : Agreement to grant 8,800 tonnes of rice between Taiwan and Food For The Poor
iciHaiti - Humanitarian : Agreement to grant 8,800 tonnes of rice between Taiwan and Food For The Poor
08/01/2021 10:19:51
On January 6, a memorandum of understanding for a donation of 8,800 metric tonnes of rice was signed between Food For The Poor and Taiwan (Republic of China)...
iciHaiti - NOTICE : 2 other shipments of fuel expected in Port-au-Prince
iciHaiti - NOTICE : 2 other shipments of fuel expected in Port-au-Prince
08/01/2021 09:33:00
Fils Aimé Ignace Saint Fleur, Director General of the Office of Monetization of Development Assistance Programs, advises that 2 shipments of petroleum products, one of 250,000 barrels of diesel and the other of 165,000 barrels of gasoline are expected...
iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Cleaning of canals on the National Road #1
iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : Cleaning of canals on the National Road #1
07/01/2021 09:29:59
On Wednesday December 6, 2021, the Communal Commission of Croix-des-Bouquets chaired by Jean Wesnel Edrouine Pervil launched a vast operation to clean up...
iciHaiti - Social: Project to Promote the Inclusion of People with Disabilities...
iciHaiti - Social: Project to Promote the Inclusion of People with Disabilities...
07/01/2021 09:10:14
Ms. Désir Soinette, Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities, wishes to thank the World Bank and the Japanese Government which, thanks to a trust grant from Japan, is funding the « Project to Promote Inclusion...
iciHaiti - Health : Monthly report of National Ambulance Center (Dec. 2020)
iciHaiti - Health : Monthly report of National Ambulance Center (Dec. 2020)
07/01/2021 08:37:20
The National Ambulance Center (CAN) provided us with the statistical results relating to the pre-hospital care of the various emergency cases carried out during the month of December 2020...
iciHaiti - DR : 224 illegal Haitians returned to Haiti
iciHaiti - DR : 224 illegal Haitians returned to Haiti
06/01/2021 10:03:10
Earlier this week, members of the Dominican army arrested 224 foreigners of Haitian nationality...
iciHaiti - Social : World Braille Day
iciHaiti - Social : World Braille Day
06/01/2021 09:21:14
As part of World Braille Day, the 212th anniversary of Louis Braille inventor of the tactile alphabet dedicated to the blind and visually impaired, David Desroses the President of the Organization for the Handicapped of Mirebalais delivered a message...

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