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iciHaiti - Politic : The Twitter account of the First Lady of Haiti hacked
07/05/2021 09:37:18

iciHaiti - Politic : The Twitter account of the First Lady of Haiti hacked
Thursday, May 6, the Office of Communication of the First Lady informs the general public in a note that "the official Twitter account duly certified, of the First Lady of the Republic, Madame Martine Moïse, has been hacked by a hacker...

"[...] This malicious and unethical individual tried to impersonate the First Lady and posted a derogatory comment with the obvious aim of harming Ms. Moïse. The Bureau deplores the fact that this false comment has been retweeted hundreds of times.

The Communication Office of the First Lady takes the opportunity to reassure the many subscribers of the Twitter account of the President of the Republic's wife that measures have already been taken to strengthen the security of this account and prevent the repetition of such actions."

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