
iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Confirmed release of Wilkenn Dicette 08/05/2021 09:50:57
Thursday, May 6, in the evening, the news fell like a bomb in Petit-Goâve Wilkenn Dicette, the Coordinator of the CASEC of the Second Plaine of Petit-Goâve, kidnapped in Delmas on April 25 by armed men, was released by his captors informed a listener on Radio Préférence on the program "Pale Palew"... but no one wanted to believe it.
It was only after several verifications that the accuracy of this release was confirmed.
Wilken Dicette was released but by "force" despite the payment of a first ransom. His hands were reportedly burned and he suffered physical violence from his captors, we have learned.
Dicette joined her family after 12 trying days of sequestration https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-33588-icihaiti-petit-goavethe-rn2-blocked-passengers-from-the-south-launch-an-sos.html
The population of Petit-Goâve can finally rejoice, it has shown exemplary solidarity, heroic and worthy of the Sons of Lamarre.
See also :
IH/ iciHaiti / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondent Petit-Goâve)