iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Agriculture :Towards the development of land downstream of the Marion Dam 12/03/2021 10:30:52 |
Patrix Sévère, the Minister of Agriculture held a working meeting with his Director General and the technical directors of the Ministries around the realization of a plan to develop agricultural land downstream of the Marion Dam... |
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iciHaiti - Carrefour : New security measures 12/03/2021 08:35:30 |
Due to the upsurge in crime, including kidnaping and the disarray of the population, Jude Edouard Pierre, the Mayor of Carefour... |
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iciHaiti - Culture : 2nd Edition of «Street art for women» dedicated to Naomi Osaka 11/03/2021 08:39:13 |
As part of the International Women's Day, the Collective for the Promotion of Urban Arts and Contemporary Art organized the 2nd edition of Street Art for Women, dedicated to the #2 world tennis player Naomi Osaka... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : All the details of Prime Minister Jouthe's tour in the South 11/03/2021 07:25:38 |
As part of a two-day tour in the South department, the Prime Minister, Joseph Jouthe accompanied by Ministers Patrix Sévère (Agriculture) and Ms. Myriam Jean (Tourism), began the tour... |
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iciHaiti - Social : Names of the 10 women leaders honored during the MCFDF Forum 10/03/2021 09:55:15 |
During the Closing this week of the 2-day Forum (March 8-9) organized by the Ministry for the Status of Women and Women's Rights, 10 women leaders from various backgrounds were honored... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Massage therapy training for the benefit of people with disabilities, registrations open 10/03/2021 09:18:28 |
The Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of People with Disabilities is notifying the general public, people with disabilities in particular, of the launch of a training session in Massage Therapy for people with special needs... |
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iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Kidnapping of Maxon Fleury, the kidnappers are increasingly threatening 10/03/2021 08:55:12 |
On Tuesday, gathered in front of the school inspection office, teachers and members of Civil Society from Petit-Goâve denounced the kidnapping on March 5 of engineer Maxon Fleury, also a teacher... |
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iciHaiti - March 8 : Tribute to the women of the Minister of Health 09/03/2021 12:00:01 |
As part of March 8, dedicated to the rights of women and girls around the world Marie Gréta Clément Roy, Minister of Public Health, « salutes the courage of millions of Haitian women... |
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iciHaiti - Road report : 32 accidents at least 77 victims 09/03/2021 11:57:06 |
The Haitian organization STOP-Accidents, informs us that for the week of March 1 to 7, 2021, 32 accidents on the national territory killed at least 77 victims... |
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iciHaiti - NOTICE : Risk of Heavy rains in the North and the North-East 09/03/2021 11:53:54 |
The Communication Unit of the City of Cap-Haitien, informs that the passage of a cold front with humid winds in the North and North-East massif and the presence of a hollow at altitude, can cause heavy rains for the next 72 hours ... |
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