
iciHaiti - NOTICE : Competition for Excellence in Human Rights, extended registrations 06/07/2021 10:25:02
The 1st edition of the Competition of Excellence for those who are preparing their thesis on themes relating to Human Rights, extended a first time until June 30, 2021 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-33992-icihaiti-notice-competition-of-excellence-registration-extended.html, at the request of graduating students in legal sciences from the faculties of the State University of Haiti (UEH) and private universities, in particular thoseof provincial zones, the Ministry of Justice has decided to extend the registration deadline one last time until July 31, 2021 , for the reception of files.
The Ministry takes this opportunity to recall the main documents required :
- Curriculum vitae;
- Certificate of completion of studies and complete transcripts;
- Preliminary draft of a license thesis related to human rights;
- A letter of recommendation from his thesis director;
- A letter from the Dean of his Faculty;
- A cover letter addressed to the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Me Rockefeller Vincent.
Remember that the competition aims to promote human rights and encourage young people to research and produce. The Ministry of Justice will grant funding of seventy-five thousand gourdes (75,000 gourdes) to the first 5 laureates for the writing of their release thesis and will help them in the publication and disclosure of the work.
For all participation criteria and further information, contact one of the following numbers : +509 363615 20 / +509 4483 44 13
IH/ iciHaiti