iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7 |

iciHaiti - Internet : 2 Haitian researchers in the spotlight at the regional competition «Lideres 2.0» of «LACNIC» 10/08/2022 10:59:05 |
Raphel Belizaire and Debora Emmanuela Toussaint are the two Haitians selected for their project, as part of the regional competition « Lideres 2.0 » of the « Latin America and Caribbean Network Information Centre » (LACNIC)... |
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iciHaiti - Justice : Arrest of a dangerous criminal 10/08/2022 09:15:41 |
The National Police of Haiti proceeded to the arrest in a hospital center in Delmas 33 of named Patrick Dieudonne, active member of the gang of « Ti Greg »... |
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iciHaiti - Weekly road report : Spectacular drop in accidents 09/08/2022 10:19:00 |
The Haitian organization STOP-Accidents informs us that for the period from August 1 to 7, 2022, 13 accidents on the national territory made at least 54 victims... |
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iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : Arrest of a member of the «5 seconds» gang 09/08/2022 09:24:25 |
Mackenson Leblanc (24 years old) alias « Vilané », member of the Gang of Village de Dieu « 5 seconds » was arrested in Délattes, 7th communal section of Petit-Goâve... |
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iciHaiti - Health : Report of the National Ambulance Center (July 2022) 08/08/2022 10:58:27 |
Statistical report of the pre-hospital care of the various emergency cases carried out by the National Ambulance Center (CAN) during the month of July 2022... |
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iciHaiti - Politic : Meeting between the Minister of the Interior and the Deputy Head of Mission of the American Embassy 08/08/2022 10:23:30 |
Friday, August 5, 2022, Liszt Quitel, the Minister of the Interior received at his offices the visit of Éric William Stromayer, new Chargé d'Affaires ai and Deputy Head of Mission at the United States Embassy in Haiti... |
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iciHaiti - PNH : Arrest of the alleged assassin of police officer Anthony Dumas 08/08/2022 09:46:56 |
Gelin Bon-Amy, alias « GG Overdose », a former member of the gang group led by Éric Prospère, alleged perpetrator of the assassination of police officer Anthony Dumas, was arrested last weekend... |
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iciHaiti - Reconstruction: The temporary bridge over the Grand-Anse river soon completed 07/08/2022 11:33:40 |
The construction works on the temporary bridge over the Grand'Anse River are progressing rapidly. The engineers and technicians of the Ministry of Public Works... |
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iciHaiti - PNH : Arrest of former policeman Saint-Hilaire Jean Woosevelt 07/08/2022 10:56:09 |
Former police officer Saint-Hilaire Jean Woosevelt was arrested this week, in Clercine 6, by agents from the Criminal Affairs Office (BAC).. |
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iciHaiti - Insecurity: Armed individuals attack a Caribe Tours bus, 2 injured 07/08/2022 10:04:02 |
Friday, August 5 around 5:30 p.m. heavily armed individuals opened fire on the F-009 bus of the Dominican Company Caribe Tours, which was carrying several passengers... |
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