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iciHaiti - Obituaries : UEH, passing away of Dr. Philippe Hirsch
10/12/2022 09:01:49

iciHaiti - Obituaries : UEH, passing away of Dr. Philippe Hirsch
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) learned with deep sadness the news of the passing away of Doctor Philippe HIRSCH, former head of sports affairs at the Student Life Department of the State University of Haiti. , which occurred in the afternoon of Thursday, December 8, 2022.

"Dr. HIRSCH was a trained physician and also a specialist in cardiology and public health. He was the Director of the Association of Private Health Works (AOPS). In 2016, during the storming of the Rectorate of the UEH by some students, he had the kindness to put the large hall of the premises of the said association at the disposal of the Council of the UEH to rule on the crisis of then.

Man of good business, frank collaborator, Dr. HIRSCH was well known in the student community for having contributed with commitment and seriousness to the realization of sports and recreational activities for the benefit of UEH students.

The Rectorate salutes the memory of this great servant of the UEH and presents its heartfelt condolences to his family, particularly to his sister, Dr. Chantal Noel, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Odontology, to the entire student community of the UEH, to his former collaborators of the 'Direction Vie Etudiante' and the AOPS, to the corporation of doctors of Haiti and to all his friends affected by this unexpected mourning."

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