Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Politic : 37.1 million euros for the fight against food and nutritional insecurity (Video)

Haiti - Politic : Leslie Voltaire presents his successor to the Multinational Mission

Haiti - FLASH : Barbecue also threatens to use drones with explosives (Video)

Haiti - News : Zapping...

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iciHaiti - Port-de-Paix : Launch of the 2025 School Sports Games

iciHaiti - Central Dept. : Collection of native and endemic seeds

iciHaiti - Dom. Rep. : Nearly 27,000 Haitians sent back to Haiti (February)

iciHaiti - Politic : MCFDF and UNFPA discuss an Annual Work Plan

iciHaiti - Obituary : The great musician, Jean Jean-Pierre has left us

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

iciHaiti - politic : A Dominican delegation will discuss the situation in Haiti with members of Congress
iciHaiti - politic : A Dominican delegation will discuss the situation in Haiti with members of Congress
21/07/2023 10:09:57
A Dominican delegation composed of political party leaders, government officials and members of academia will travel to Washington...
iciHaiti - Sports : Haiti at the Pan American baseball tournament (11-12 years old)
iciHaiti - Sports : Haiti at the Pan American baseball tournament (11-12 years old)
21/07/2023 09:53:08
The selected representatives of Cuba and Haiti will participate in the Pan American Baseball Tournament for 11-12 year olds...
iciHaiti - Truce : Partial resumption of port services in Haiti
iciHaiti - Truce : Partial resumption of port services in Haiti
21/07/2023 09:26:18
Employees of the National Port Authority of Haiti have partially resumed their work after a week of strike. The objective is to allow waiting ships to dock and unload their goods to protect the national economy...
iciHaiti - Reduction of violence : Actions to be taken in favor of young people
iciHaiti - Reduction of violence : Actions to be taken in favor of young people
20/07/2023 09:48:04
Raymonde Rival, the Minister of Youth, Sports and Civic Action met with Ms. Aimée Faye Thérèse Diouf, Head of the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration / Community Violence Reduction section...
iciHaiti - UEH : New Council at the head of the École Normale Supérieure
iciHaiti - UEH : New Council at the head of the École Normale Supérieure
20/07/2023 09:25:47
On Wednesday, July 19, 2023, the Executive Council of the State University of Haiti proceeded to the investiture of the members of the new Board of the École Normale Supérieure...
iciHaiti - PNH : The Police of Bon Repos reinforces its controls (Video)
iciHaiti - PNH : The Police of Bon Repos reinforces its controls (Video)
20/07/2023 09:05:16
On the instructions of Commander-in-Chief Frantz Elbé, the Bon Repos Police have reinforced controls at the Mirebalais station...
iciHaiti - Literature : Big winner of the literary criticism contest
iciHaiti - Literature : Big winner of the literary criticism contest
19/07/2023 09:50:29
The Ministry of Culture presents the big winner of its literary criticism contest...
iciHaiti - Boat people : The Coast Guard repatriated 89 Haitians to Haiti
iciHaiti - Boat people : The Coast Guard repatriated 89 Haitians to Haiti
19/07/2023 09:04:33
The US Coast Guard repatriated 89 Haitians in an irregular migration situation to Haiti aboard a dangerously overloaded boat, following an interception at sea...
iciHaiti - Economy : Slight drop in fuel prices at the pump
iciHaiti - Economy : Slight drop in fuel prices at the pump
19/07/2023 07:11:25
The Ministries of Economy and Finance and Trade and Industry advise importers, distributors and consumers of petroleum products...
iciHaiti - Football : Progress in perspective
iciHaiti - Football : Progress in perspective
18/07/2023 10:03:35
When two century-old clubs join the Haitian Football Federation (FHF) so that Haitian football can regain its rights on the field...

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