Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - Agriculture : IFAD signs $23.6 million grant agreement with Haiti

Haiti - Economy : Dominican exports to Haiti on the rise

Haiti - Social : Tribute to the 5 police officers killed in combat in Village de Dieu (2021)

Haiti - FLASH : New direct flight from Port-au-Prince to Miami, more details

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iciHaiti - U-20 Women's Football : 2 friendly matches in Chile for our Grenadières

iciHaiti - Obituary : Poet and novelist Anthony Phelps has left us

iciHaiti - NOTICE : Launch of the 3rd edition of the dissertation competition on industrial property

iciHaiti - Haiti needs food aid, according to the FAO

iciHaiti - Environment : The Town Hall of Port-au-Prince will launch a canal cleaning project

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iciHaiti.com: All the news in brief 7/7

Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
23/09/2013 16:33:42
Severe defeat Virgin Islands [20-0] - Mobile phone banned in banks - New communication initiative of the Government - Football match of amputees : Port-au-Prince / Cayes - Mission in Haiti for 12 Montreal police officers...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
22/09/2013 13:13:56
Finalization of the electoral law this weekend - 2 numbers to denounce police officers... - Fusion proposes its solution for the elections - Training of police against abuse... - A meeting between women...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
21/09/2013 16:09:17
43th annual session of the Black Caucus - Participation of Minister of Tourism at Top Resa (Paris) - Summit for social welfare - Regional Seminar of the Caribbean...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
20/09/2013 14:38:45
Tourism Development Plan for the South Coast - Seizure of narcotic - Security Paper for the National Archives - Guy Lamothe, Ambassador to Mexico and Belize - Launch of the book « Ailleurs ici »...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
19/09/2013 13:34:57
Michel Martelly met with Aristide J-B... - Intervention against the « rebels » - Festival of World Cultures in Gatineau - The Ambassador of France Patrick Nicoloso expected in the North - Training seminars on the fight against corruption...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
18/09/2013 14:18:02
Multiple bans in Place Boyer - Follow-up visit with the Ambassador of Brazil - Creation of aa Administrative Information Center - The ANH provides an overview of the program « La Pou La » - New perspectives of the IFORHT...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
17/09/2013 14:17:06
Prix TV5 Monde Jean-Jean Roosevelt - 64 individuals arrested in Carrefour - 41 young Haitian military in internship in Petite-Rivière - Seizure of styrofoam products to the market of Tabarre - Portfolio Review of the Cooperation...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
16/09/2013 14:41:35
Compulsory foreign declaration within 24 hours... - 200,000 people in camps in 2014 - Painting exhibition at the Consulate of Haiti in Orlando - Painting exhibition at the Consulate of Haiti in Orlando...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
15/09/2013 16:18:44
Development of Basin Zim - Shooting at the residence of Me Senatus - Haiti ranked 126th in the happiest country in the world - Issuance of 2.2 billion Gdes of Certificates of Treasury - Training Workshop of the Team Leade of FAES...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
Haiti - News : Some news here and there...
14/09/2013 15:19:22
Tour of Stéphanie Villedrouin in New Orleans - Demonstration in Cap Haitien... - The medal escapes Samyr Lainé - The caravan «Looking for talent» in Jérémie -

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