Haiti - News : Some news here and there... 10/11/2013 12:52:23 Wednesday, the Divisional Delegate of Southeast Pierre Michel Lafontant announced that the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communication (MTPTC) will rebuild the 4 heavily damaged bridges in 2008 and demolished in 2009 by TPTC (to reduce flood risk that threatened the city of Jacmel). It is the Haitian company TECINA SA (founded in 1974) who will do the work. New leader for the Haitian Red Cross Friday, former Executive Director, Dr. Jean-Pierre Guiteau took officially his duties as President of the Haitian Red Cross (HRC) and promised to young people to engage to serve others. Elected for 4 years on September 14, Dr. Guiteau Jean-Pierre succeeds to Dr. Michaelle Amede Gédéon. Rehabilitation of the banks of the River of haut du Cap The rehabilitation of the banks of the River of haut du Cap in the neighborhood "Nan Bannann" in Cap Haitien began on October 21. This project aims to rehabilitate 452m of river banks, clean up the area and create more than 900 temporary jobs during the six months that the work will last. This project implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is funded by the Division of Community Violence Reduction (CVR) of the Minustah to the tune of about U.S. $ 200,000. "Kore Fanmi" Friday, as part of the Call for Expression of Interest (AMI), a conference was organized for all Operators Service Providers (OPS) likely to manage the "Kore Fanmi" program. This meeting was held with interested the OPS interested to introduce the program and help them prepare their bids according to the rules. 127 young graduates in seismic building in Bel-Air Monday, November 11 to Kaynou (Boulevard Jean-Jacques Dessalines), the Directorate of School of qualification of Viva Rio, in partnership with the International Labour Office (ILO) and the National Institute for Professional Training (INFP) will qualification of Viva Rio, in partnership with the International Labour Office (ILO) and the National Institute for Professional Training (INFP) proceed with the ceremony of delivery of diploma to the graduating class in "seismic building" of 127 young people of Bel-Air. HL/ HaitiLibre
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