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iciHaiti - Champs de Mars : The Plaza Hotel site declared of public utility
27/09/2024 08:40:12

iciHaiti - Champs de Mars : The Plaza Hotel site declared of public utility
A public hearing on the Order declaring certain properties located in the Champs de Mars area to be of public utility was held this week at the Marriott Hotel...

This public hearing conducted by the Permanent Committee for Amicable Acquisition (CPA) is part of the procedure provided for in the decree of September 5, 1979 relating to Expropriation for public utility.

These properties, including the Plaza Hotel, will be used to relocate the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince including the Prosecutor's Office near said court, the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince, the Prosecutor's Office of said Court, the Bar of Port-au-Prince and also the Penal Reform Commission as well as the Steering Committee of the National Conference and the Constitutional Question.

This relocation will promote effective access to justice, stressed Me Carlos Hercule, Minister of Justice and Public Security.

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