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iciHaiti - Football : Training on the art of Coaching
16/07/2024 10:48:56

iciHaiti - Football : Training on the art of Coaching
Monday July 15, 2024, around twenty coaches (men and women) represented the Haitian Football Federation (FHF) on the occasion of the launch of the inaugural session of the "Art of Coaching" seminar led by Anne-Rose Schoen.

This seminar, the objective of which is the individual development of coaches and the various Sports Federations via the Haitian Olympic Committee, is organized at the initiative of Quisqueya University at its auditorium in partnership with the United States Embassy in Haiti.

It should be remembered that this program coincides with the new implementations of the FHF which has its curriculum of courses for coaches currently aimed at standardizing their training in accordance with the Coaching Convention of the Confederation of North America, the Central America and the Caribbean (CONCACAF) in force.

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