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iciHaiti - PNH : Strengthening of security measures in Vivy Mitchell
20/09/2023 09:33:59

iciHaiti - PNH : Strengthening of security measures in Vivy Mitchell
As part of the fight aimed at tracking down bandits and dismantling gangs in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, the Haitian National Police (PNH) has taken steps to continue to guarantee the security of population.

At Vivy Mitchell, an area located in the commune of Pétion-ville recently attacked https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-40540-haiti-news-zapping.html several specialized units of the PNH are deployed and continuing operations with the aim of apprehending all the armed bandits who terrorize the population.

In addition, tactical deployments are also carried out across strategic axes to enable law enforcement to effectively carry out these operations.

The PNH wishes to reassure the population of this area that it continues to do everything possible to protect the lives and property of all citizens, while asking them to remain calm and takes the opportunity to request, once again, the frank collaboration of the population.

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