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iciHaiti - Education : National Children's Day, Message from Minister Manigat
12/06/2023 10:08:07

iciHaiti - Education : National Children's Day, Message from Minister Manigat
Since 1960, the second Sunday in June has been the day that the Haitian State has set aside to encourage all adults and all the institutions concerned to continue working to promote respect for the rights of the child : right to life, right to health, right to education, linguistic right, cultural rights, etc…

As part of the National Day of the Haitian Child, Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of National Education declared "[...] I want to take this opportunity to ask all partners, all actors, all citizens and citizens of the country, let us continue to join hands to ensure respect for the rights of children, in particular their right to go to school, whatever the circumstances.

[...] There is no future without education, there is no country without education, but there is no future without children. We must protect children and protect schools. It is the duty of all of us.

[...] I would also like to recall the Ministry's commitment to providing tools to enable children to learn better and correctly in a peaceful and respectful environment, among other things : Code of conduct in schools, curriculum for children preschool, introduction of unique books, psychological support and supporting several partners such as UNICEF and the Association of Psychologists, to allow children to learn better in their mother tongue, in addition to other values such as respect , tolerance, dialogue, non-discrimination and violence within the school.

The fight to protect the rights of children should be of interest to all of us in society. This is the only way for this country to have a chance, to prepare for tomorrow and to give hope to future generations.

For all children, for all students, girls and boys, let's all stand together for the respect of children's rights!

Happy National Children's Day !"

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