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iciHaiti - PNH : Sympathy visit to the family of the killed policeman Félix Élysée
23/08/2022 11:22:10

iciHaiti - PNH : Sympathy visit to the family of the killed policeman Félix Élysée
Monday August 22, 2022, Frantz Elbé the Commander-in-Chief a.i. of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) met with the family members of Police Officer Félix Élysée, who died on August 21 at Mirebalais hospital after being fatally injured by shot in clashes with armed bandits, in Savien, Petite-Rivière de l'Artibonite.

Frantz Elbé was accompanied, among others, by his Chief of Staff Jackson Hilaire, Chief Inspector General Fritz St-Fort, Inspectors General Joany Canéus / Central Director of the Administrative Police and Wency Bien-Aimé, Central Director of Administration and General Services (DCASG), wanted to meet the members of the bereaved family.

The occasion was for Commander Frantz Elbé to address, on behalf of the police institution, his words of sympathy and comfort to the wife of the deceased, his brother and his relatives who attended this meeting.

While saluting the bravery of this valiant policeman who had put his time in the service of the country, Frantz Elbé promised that the institution will remain alongside the family of this agent, victim in the exercise of his functions.

Let's recall that Félix Élysée (Agent II) was from the 24th promotion of the PNH, assigned to the Departmental Unit for the Maintenance of Order (UDMO) West-1.

IH/ iciHaiti

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