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iciHaiti - Obituaries : Death of Professor Mario Alvarez
20/04/2022 09:48:40

iciHaiti - Obituaries : Death of Professor Mario Alvarez
The Rectorate of the State University of Haiti (UEH) learned with great sorrow and pain the news of the death on Saturday April 16, 2022, in France, of Dr. Mario Alvarez, former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and of Pharmacy (FMP).

Signatory of the Transitional Provisions of 1997, Dr. Alvarez was an emblematic figure of the causes and struggles of the UEH. He had an influential and very noticed passage at the level of the highest management body of the institution, commonly called "University Council". A man of conviction and dialogue, Dr. Mario Alvarez headed the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy from 1996 to 2006.

A specialist in infectious diseases, he trained several generations of medical students. He taught for a long time at the FMP as an associate professor of parasitology and infectious diseases. Endowed with a great vision, Dr. Alvarez has worked hard for the advancement of this faculty. This is evidenced by his strong interest in international partnership, not only as Dean, but also as a member of the International Conference of Deans and Faculties of Medicine of French Expression (CIDMEF).

The Rectorate of the UEH bows to his mortal remains. He presents his deepest sympathy to the bereaved family, to his former colleagues and students of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, to the relatives and friends affected by this bereavement.

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