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iciHaiti - Justice : Tribute and merit to the 4 oldest employees of the Ministry
13/02/2022 09:37:10

iciHaiti - Justice : Tribute and merit to the 4 oldest employees of the Ministry
Me. Berto Dorcé, Minister of Justice in the presence of many employees and executives of the Ministry, awarded this week plaques "Honor and Merit" for the 4 oldest employees of the Ministry.

Through this initiative, Minister Dorcé intended to promote the work of all employees and at the same time congratulate their dynamism and their sense of responsibility.

Recipients :
Ms. Pérard Andrena Vil, 40 years of service;
Ms. Dager Nicole Diphénie 35 years of service;
Ms. Saint Louis Nicole Louissaint 35 years of service;
Madame Néval Inès 30 years of service.

These four honored women who will soon be retiring expressed their satisfaction at being "valued" by this initiative. Dorcé took the opportunity to encourage other employees of the institution to follow in the footsteps of these model employees.

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