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iciHaiti - Culture : International Day of Creole Language and Culture
31/10/2021 10:32:56

iciHaiti - Culture : International Day of Creole Language and Culture
As part of the International Day of Creole Language and Culture, Jean Emmanuel JACQUET Minister of Culture declared "The central post of our country is our language (Potomitan devlopman peyi nou se lang nou): It is our language which will open the door to inclusive social communication for all Haitians and provide access to practical knowledge for people to understand, for people to apply.

It is our language which develops our culture and promotes it everywhere : cooking recipes, traditional remedies, dances, songs, stories, proverbs which are part of our heritage and which are our identity as a people.

The Creole language is the backbone of our identity as a people.

Download the Message from Jean Emmanuel JACQUET Minister of Culture (PDF in Creole) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/journee-creole-2021-message-ministre.pdf

The former Prime Minister Joseph Jouthe declared "This year it is on the theme 'Lang kreyòl tout kote, san fòs kote', that the International Day of Creole Language and Culture is taking place [...] Language and Creole culture is a treasure that we must focus on. Once again, this day of reflection and celebration is to remind us that the Creole language is one of the greatest tools that will make us better understand each other, so that we can unite, for a better future. Happy Birthday to all !"

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