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iciHaiti - Jérémie : Launch of the round table against gender violence
11/04/2021 10:31:05

iciHaiti - Jérémie : Launch of the round table against gender violence
Marie Ghislaine Monpremier, Minister for the Status of Women and Women's Rights (MCFDF), proceeded this week in Jérémie (Dept. Grand'Anse) to the launch of the consultation table of civil society and State organizations against violence gender based.

This activity was held jointly with the Women's Movement for the Development of Grand-Anse (MOFEDGA), the Departmental Initiative against Child Trafficking and Trafficking (IDETTE) and technical and financial partners.

In her speech for the occasion, Minister Monpremier insisted on the harm done to women and girls victims of violence in general and in particular in Grand'Anse. She underlined the urgency of combining efforts to counter this scourge and reaffirmed her commitment on the one hand as Minister and on the other hand as an activist to work in an objective and effective approach on the issue of gender equality in Haiti.

In addition, referring to the foundation of the women's movement and their role in building Haitian democracy, the Minister urged women to get more involved in politics. They invited them to participate massively in the referendum for a new constitution that will strengthen the rights of women, citing as examples cited as examples : reserved seats, laws against electoral violence against women among others under the acclamation of the assistance.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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