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iciHaiti - Health : 11,500 cases of tuberculosis diagnosed in the country in 2020
25/03/2021 09:48:54

iciHaiti - Health : 11,500 cases of tuberculosis diagnosed in the country in 2020
It is around the theme "It is time to act, it is time to put an end to tuberculosis" that the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) through its National Tuberculosis Control Program (PNLT) commemorated World Tuberculosis Day (March 24).

In order to continue to curb the effects of this disease which continues to strike many of our compatriots, the Ministry is pursuing its efforts in collaboration with its technical and financial partners to support the adoption of the multisectoral accountability framework which should enable the Haitian population to have access to appropriate care.

Although the fight against Tuberculosis began in Haiti for more than 50 years, the disease still remains a threat to the Haitian population.

Note that in 2019, 13,385 patients were diagnosed with tuberculosis against 11,500 in 2020. However, according to the Ministry this drop in detection in 2020 "may be linked to a decrease in attendance of health institutions by patients due to the Covid-19, but we must not let our guard down because the disease is still present in Haiti."

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