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iciHaiti - Port-de-Paix : Investiture of the Restructuring Commission of the School of Law and Economy
13/02/2021 10:42:53

iciHaiti - Port-de-Paix : Investiture of the Restructuring Commission of the School of Law and Economy
Friday February 12, the Executive Council of the State University of Haiti (UEH) proceeded to the investiture of the Commission of restructuring of the School of Law and Economy of Port-de-Paix (EDEPP).

Members of the professors who are members of the Commission :

Michelet Virgile: Director;
Katia M. Pierre-Louis Toussaint: Assistant Director;
Joanel Estimond,: Assistant director.

This Commission has the heavy responsibility of straightening the boat of EDEPP during the next 3 years.

Note that this restructuring Commission at EDEPP, which is part of the process of qualitatively strengthening Higher education at regional level, is part of the reform plan for legal education in Haiti initiated by the UEH and other civil society partners.

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